Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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LIVE APRS web site at http://web.usna.navy,mil/~bruninga/aprs.html
APRS is different from regular packet in two ways. First by adding
maps and other data displays, and second by doing all communications
using a broadcast protocol so that everyone is updated in real time.
APRS turns packet radio into a real-time tactical communications and
display system for emergencies and public service applications. Normal
packet radio has only shown usefulness in passing bulk message traffic
from point to point. It has been difficult to apply conventional packet
to real time events where information has a very short life time.
APRS, however, provides universal connectivity to all stations but
avoids the complexity and limitations of a connected network. It permits
any number of stations to exchange data just like voice users would on a
voice net. Any station that has information to contribute simply sends
it, and all stations receive it and log it. Secondly, APRS recognizes
that one of the greatest real-time needs at any special event or emergency
is the tracking of key assets. Where is the Event Leader? Where are the
emergency vehicles? Whats the Weather at various points in the County?
Where are the power lines down? Where is the head of the parade? Where
are the VIP's? Where is the mobile ATV camera? Where is the hurricane?
WHERE IS THE DX??? To answer these questions, APRS is a full featured
automatic vehicle location and status reporting system too. It can be
used over any 2-way radio system including HAM, CB, Marine Band, and
Cellular Phone. See CB.txt and CELLULAR.txt. Now there is even a nation-
wide LIVE APRS tracking network on the Internet! See APRSnet.txt
You can even get an APRS T-shirt, see T-SHIRT.TXT
Included on the distribution disk are several README text files on
applications of APRS such as for weather nets, direction finding, plotting
satellite contacts, and monitoring DX clusters. You must read at least the
README.1st, DEMOS.txt, NewNotes.txt and HELP.txt files. APRS uses UI frame
broadcasts and map displays. There are three major display subsystems and
a number of other minor displays as follows:
LATEST STATUS - This display maintains a list of the latest UI frame
received from each station. In effect, this is a multi-station one-line
broadcast status system. In DX cluster mode, this display accumulates a
list of all users and what was their latest command to the cluster.
POSITIONS - This display maintains a separate list of the positions of
each station often including a brief comment. They can also contain DF
and or WX info. Fixed stations using the ! format will only show on the
POSITIONS list and not on any other page unless CONTROLS-FILTERS-!FIXED
is toggled off. If FILTER-!FIXED is off, it will show on the upper right
of the POSITIONS page. In DX mode, this list contains the posits of all
DX spots and user-locations heard.
MAPS - Maps from 300 yards up to 4000 miles can be displayed. All
other APRS stations will be plotted. Stations reporting a course and
speed are dead-reckoned to their present position. Overlay databases of
the locations of all APRS DIGIpeaters, National WX Service sites and
even HAM stores are built in. You can zoom in to any point on the globe!
MESSAGES - In addition to the one-line STATUS packets, two-way
messages with acknowledgment are supported. All incoming messages alert
the user on arrival and are held on the MESSAGE screen until Killed.
BULLETINS - This screen maintains a list of active BULLETINS. These
are important multi-line BULLETINS addressed to everyone.
TRAFFIC - Shows the last 42 messages monitored between other stations
on the net. DX mode TALK traffic also shows up here. The MAPS-PLOTS-
TRAFFIC command will connect these stations with lines on the map.
ALL PACKET LOG - This display is a time sequenced log of every new
status or message received. This is in contrast to the LATEST display
which only shows the most recent status packet per station. In DX mode,
this screen shows all DX/WX/WWV spots and ANNOUNCEMENTS heard.
HEARD LOG - Displays the total number of packets per station per hour.
These statistics show the connectivity of the network over varying paths,
such as HF, or to see when stations enter and leave the net.
DIGIPEATER LIST - This display displays the raw packet header so that
APRS users can see what digipeater paths are being used by other stations.
The proper use of digipeaters is important in an APRS network. An asterix
in the first column means that you hear the other station direct without a
digipeater! Change your UNPROTO path to NONE to chat with those stations.
In DX mode, this list accumulates a list of all DX cluster message headers.
STATION TRACKING. Although APRS automatically tracks mobile GPS/LORAN
equipped stations, it also tracks perfectly well with manual reports or
GridSquares. APRS will use a GridSquare in brackets at the beginning of
any packet. Additionally, any station can place an object on his
map including himself and within seconds that object appears on all other
station displays. In the example of a parade, as each checkpoint with
packet comes on line, its position is instantly displayed to all in the
net. Whenever a station moves, he just updates his position on his map and
that movement is transmitted to all other stations. To track other event
assets, only one packet operator needs to monitor voice traffic to hear
where things are. As he maintains the positions and movements of all
assets on his screen, all other displays running APRS software display
the same displays. There is also a Tracking command on the P display that
will cause APRS to keep the map display always centered on a selected
GRID SQUARES: Because of the ambiguity of a grid-square position report,
APRS will not display a 4 or 6 digit gridsquare report on map ranges
less than 128 and 8 miles respectively. Stations reported in the same
grid square are randomly offset to avoid cluttering of callsigns on top of
each other. The P-list is annotated to indicate that the position is
approximate. It is also very brief; six characters vice seventeen. In
GRID-SQUARE mode, APRS will send your posit via GRID SQUARE format vice
LAT/LONG. Shortening the packet is an advantage when reporting via HF,
Meteor Scatter, SAREX, or the PACSATS.
ACARS: If your TNC has an ACARS modem for receiving Airline digital packets
on 131.55 MHz, then the optional APRSair.EXE will plot the positions of all
aircraft in range (usually up to about 200 miles out).. See ACARS.txt
USING APRS ON ALL DIGITAL CHANNELS: If all packet stations on all
frequencies would include LAT/LONG or Grid Square in their BTexts, APRS
can be used as a general purpose network topology display on ANY packet
frequency! See the PROTOCOL.txt for details on APRS formats and see
FRQCOORD.txt for suggestions for using APRS as a freq-coord display tool.
SPACE APPLICATIONS: APRS is an excellent application for using orbiting
packet digipeaters such as on the Shuttle, AO-16, WO-18, LU-19, IO-26 and
AO-27. APRS only requires one successful packet for everyone to see each
successful station compared to the typical *CONNECTED* SAREX mode which
requires 5 successful packets. Not only does APRS reduce channel loading,
but it also capitalizes on the most fascinating aspect of the amateur
radio hobby, and that is the display on a map of the location of those
stations. If everyone simply inserted their LAT/LONG or Grid Square as the
first characters of their beacon text, everyone within the satellite
footprint would see the location of every successful uplink. Similarly
ANY 2m FM rig and ANY TAPR-2 compatible TNC can be used to digipeat APRS
packets via any of the PACSATS! See SPACE.txt.
FOX HUNTING OR DIRECTION FINDING: APRS is an excellent tool for plotting
the location of a hidden transmitter, balloon, or interfering signal.
APRS has several powerful DF tools:
1) Plots the positions and Bearing lines of all participating stations
whether mobile or fixed
2) Plots the overlaping signal strength contrours for OMNI-DF reports.
This techinque even plots big BLACK circles for NULL reports so
that you see all the areas where the FOX is NOT! This OMNI technique
is very powerful and locate a jammer to a neighborhood with NO
beams or special equipment.
3) Fade-Circle Search and Rescue technique for single station signal
strength location using only a OMNI antenna
4) Optional automatic DF interface to Doppler DF units for automatic
plotting of DF bearings.
For more DF info, see the DF.txt file.
WEATHER STATION REPORTING: APRS position reports can also include the wind
speed and direction, as well as other important weather conditions. APRS
supports a serial interface option to the ULTIMETER and DAVIS home weather
stations to do this automatically. All weather stations show up as a blue
circle, with a line indicating wind speed and direction. The APRS NEXT
command will successively highlight each WX station in turn, for WX at a
glance. APRS also has a database of the locations of most NWS sites and
can crunch a file of NWS hourly WX conditions for display. Finally, APRS
users can set WX alarms and be alerted when WX conditions exceed those
values. See WX.txt.
DX CLUSTERS: APRS an ideal tool for the DX cluster user. Not only does
he get to see all DX spots on the map, but by operating in the monitor only
mode, he has reduced the overall packet load on the DX cluster. This is
a benefit to everyone on the channel. Also the APRS monitoring station
will see the SPOT as soon as the first station gets it, rather than later
on down the list. See DX.txt.
INTERNET: If you have a text-only type TELNET service, you can use the
APRnet.exe which is a modified version of APRS to join the rapidly
growing of nationwide linked APRSnet stations. Just TELNET to Steve's
APRServer at www.aprs.net:10151 and your APRSnet.exe will see over 1000
other stations from all over the country LIVE. The beauty of APRServe
is that everyone connected, can all FEED their locally heard packets in
to the APRServe system and everyone everywhere can see them...
FREQUENCY COORDINATION: Every packet asset on every frequency should
include a position or at least gridsquare in all routine BEACONS. This
alows APRS to be used to monitor network topography on any frequency.
APRS makes an excellent tool for frequency coordination. The frequency
coordinating body can make available APRS backup files (or .HST files)
showing the positions of all coordinated services, both packet AND VOICE.
These files can be distributed on BBS's to all HAMS in the area. Anyone
may then use APRS to view the positions of all packet assets geographically.
Also the APRS MAPS-PLOTS-POWER command can plot range contours based on
antenna height and gain, for displaying the topology of any network and
also the interference ranges of voice repeaters...
PROTOCOL - Although APRS redundantly transmits data, a fundamental precept
is that old data is less important than new data. All APRS packets are
repeated at an ever decreasing rate. Each new packet is transmitted
immediately, then 20 seconds later. After every transmission, the period
is doubled. After 20 minutes only six packets have been transmitted. From
then on the rate remains at 10 minutes times the number of digipeater hops
you are using. This allows the rate to be every 10 minutes for a local
event or every 30 minutes for the typical home station running WIDE3-3.
All transmissions can be toggled off using the CONTROLS-XMT command, or
forced at any time with the X key. See PROTOCOL.txt
COMMANDS: The keyboard is always active. Almost every key does something
or brings up additional menus. (APRS processing of packets on the air is
continuous EXCEPT while waiting for the user response to a prompt. These
prompts are surrounded with a yellow). Commands fall into 3 categories:
Space Key - Display map and all station locations
L - Latest beacons - Displays the latest STATUS BEACON from each station
P - Positions - Displays a list of all stations reporting positions
A - ALL packet log - Keeps a chronological log of all beacons and messages
B - BULLETINS - Keeps a list of all BULLETINS heard
R - Read Messages - Displays the status of your in and out messages
T - Traffic - Displays the last 23 lines of messages between stns
D - Digis Used - Displays the digipeater paths being used by others
H - Heard Log - Displays packets per hour per station for 24 hours
V - VIEW - Displays all packets on a scrolling screen
F1- Help - Select from a MENU of HELP commands
C - Controls - Display a one line status of all control states
F - FILES Menu - For Loading/Saving files, or Replaying tracks
I - Input commands - Used to input posits, DF info or add OBJects to map
O - OPERATIONS - Several commands for normal operations
M - MAP Functions - Functions dealing with maps
W - Weather Menu - Displays the number of beacons per hour per station
R - READ - Displays your incomming and outgoing messages
S - Send - Sends traffic to a station
E - Erase - Erases outgoing traffic lines
K - Kill - Kills incomming traffic lines
T - Traffic - Displays message traffic between other stations
DEMONSTRATION FILE: To see how APRS looks in our area, FILES-LOAD the file
named WASHDC.BK. To see the tracking of the GPS equiped Army/Navy game
football run, FILES-LOAD FBALL.BK and do a FILES-REPLAY of the file named
FBALL93.HST. To see the Marine Corps marathon, load MARATHON.BK and replay
the MARTHON.HST file. See Details in README.1st.
HOOKING STATIONS: The cursor can be moved to select any station on the map
using the arrow keys. When near any station symbol, the ENTER key will
"hook" the station. Detail information on that station will be displayed
on the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, use the + and - keys to step
through each station one by one. or the <> to step through objects on the
current map scale only. You may also use the cursor on the P or L-list to
hook a station or object. Once hooked, several functions may be
ALL - Displays a list of all beacons from that station.
EDIT - Change the position packet text
MOVE - Move the station by moving the cursor
DELETE - Delete the station.
FOLLOW - Force this object to FOLLOW a course (APRSdr only)
UPLINK - Toggle on/off transmiting the object to others
ALARM - Sets an alarm if that station ever moves.
TRACK - Always center display on selected station as it moves
MARK - Mark stations for selective display with the JUST command
The hook function also works on the LATEST and POSITION display lists by
using the up/down arrow keys.
REPLAY: Replay past track histories either from memory or from a file.
Tracks are kept in on-line memory until 150 have been saved, and then are
saved to a HISTORY file. During REPLAY, use the following commands:
C - CALLsigns on/off
HOME - Homes map to presently displayed station
SPACE- Redraws the present map to remove track clutter
F - Faster. Speeds up playback
G - Overlays the Civil Air Patrol Search and Rescue grids
M - Medium replay speed
P - Pause
S - Slow. Slows down playback
Q - Quit playback.
PgUp/PgDn - Zoom in and out
FILES: All APRS files are retained in five different sub-directories of
other files used by the system:
MAPLIST.USA - The file that lists all map files to be used by APRS.
These MAPLISTS are all in the MAPLISTS directory. Change
to different MAPLISTS using the MAPS-CHANGE command.
BACKUP .BK - Automatic backup of system every time program is quit. It
can be loaded quickly using the FILES-LOAD-B command.
Or Automatically by invoking APRSXX/B at the DOS prompt.
MAPFIX33.EXE - A powerful program for fixing, drawing, and modifying maps!
SYSTEM (DIR) - Contains the following required files
IintTAPR.TNC - Setup parameters for your TNC (InitAEA.TNC for AEA)
RESTORE.TNC - TNC commands used to restore your TNC after quitting APRS.
CAPGRIDS.DAT - A file of the CAP Sectional Aeronautical charts
DXCALLS.DAT - Callsign prefix-to-LAT/LONG database for DX spots
XXXX.SYS - Numerous brief files for APRS internal screens
METAR.TXT - A sample file used to load National Weather Service data
NWSPOSNS.POS - A file of the locations of all NWS sites
CHESSBOARD: To demonstrate the flexibility of APRS in reporting the
movement of objects in a net, there is a 2 mile chessboard in the center
of the Gulf of Mexico. Two APRS stations can place pieces on the board
with the INPUT-ADD command or can move existing pieces using the Cursor,
HOOK and INSert commands! An easy way to begin a game, is to load the
CHESS.BK file which already has all 32 pieces saved. By selecting the
alt-SETUP-OTHER-GAME command APRS not only keeps track of the move numbers
but also changes the packet address from APRS to GAME, so that others on
frequency will not see their PLists cluttered with the pieces as they are
moved. Also, GAME mode only UPLINKS the LATEST move, to minimize QRM.
You may consider going to an unused frequency so as not to clutter an
active APRS net, however.
If you want to Kibitz a game in progress, also load the CHESS.BK file
and use the CONTROLS-FILTERS-OTHER command so that your APRS will monitor
OTHER packets on the channel so you will see the GAME packets. If you
missed the beginning of the game, ask one of the players to use his P
list to HOOK and UPLINK any piece locations you missed.
APRSdr.EXE: For tracking known OBJECTS that move at KNOWN speeds over
a KNOWN course, such as the runners in a Marathon, use APRSdr. This
program will Dead Reckon objects along the course, so that you can
reasonably track the progress of the event, without having to strap
a GPS/TNC and RADIO to the head of the lead runner. All GPS mobiles
will also be tracked. This is a trememdous visual aid for NET CONTROL.
APRSair.exe: For tracking commercial aircraft using the ACARS system.
APRSnet.exe: For tracking all packets on the INTERNET www.aprs.net:10151